It was a class full of learning the technique of how to whip egg whites while “SLOWLY” adding sugar and a few other ingredients to make the famous Italian Meringa (meringue with cream and fresh fruit)! Everyone did a great job trying their best to cook like Italians. It was a fun night as we also learned Uccellini scapati (beef rolls with sage ham and parmesan cheese). We also tried our hand at creamed potatoes with parmesan cheese cooked as we learned with the peel on (to be peeled later)! Here are some photos of AnnaMaria and Mariaemilia giving instructions and demonstrations on how to cook the Italian way!
AnnaMaria, Mariaemilia and I would like to thank all the people that have joined our Italian Cooking Class. We have learned so much in helping to create this new adventure! We truly appreciate all the input of our clients as they help us navigate this new “no travel” life style in this moment. We always say we meet the best people when traveling and now we say “We meet the best people when cooking together” We thank all that have joined us and we hope that if you are reading this you may consider joining us for our next classes.